The Detoxifying Processes Of The Liver

Detoxifying Processes

The liver plays a crucial part in the detoxification of the human body by removing harmful elements from our blood, thus ensuring that we do not fall ill / take anything in that may be harmful to our vitality.

A large part of the effectiveness of this detoxification process is owed to Cytochrome P-450.

This important enzyme helps to metabolise drugs, chemicals and other endogenous (internal) elements. It’s through this metabolic process that any “pollutants” / undesirable elements are consumed by this all-important facet of our internal health.

Included as part of this crucial metabolization process is the filtration of all of the pesticides and potentially harmful elements found in our food in terms of chemical preservatives or additives in the pharmaceutical compounds we take.

It’s for this reason in part that the ingestion of steroids can prove to be harmful over time – the liver is being forced to constantly “sort through” their constitution and decipher which parts are potentially dangerous, and which ones aren’t.
The liver’s filtration of blood is also a primary component of the detoxification process. As you’re already aware of (as a result of reading through some of the previous sections), once our blood reaches the liver, it is then put through a purification process.

The liver ultimately determines what “good” parts we take from our food / drink, and which “bad” parts get left behind as waste produce. From there, we are then able to readily access the nutrients we need for optimum vitality and movement.

When combined, the blood filtration process and the abilities of cytochrome P-450 to sort through chemicals and drugs ultimately allow us to form a safety “shield” against general toxins and bacteria.As a result of this “shields” existence, we can then effectively avoid facing the full spectrum of detrimental possibilities on offer should these harmful facets remain in place.

Whilst this profile may feel (up to now at least) like a biology lesson of sorts, the reason why we’re going through all of these aspects of the liver’s functionality in such great detail is because we want to make you entirely aware of just how important it truly is.

When you speak about liver toxification to the average person, it’s not often that they take it particularly seriously.

It doesn’t SOUND chronic after all (for instance, we describe drinking alcohol past a certain level as “intoxication”, and almost everybody has experienced that at some stage in their life), but it’s ultimately what liver intoxication (over a sustained period of time) can lead to that is the true issue at hand here.

What is important to understand is that one stage does not necessarily lead into another. For instance, those who develop a cirrhotic liver will not necessarily develop liver cancer by default. It is however a possibility.

Our intent here isn’t to scare you, but rather to raise awareness and hopefully make you take your liver health seriously by providing it with adequate protection should there be a calling for it during the course of your steroid use.

We’re now going to move on and explain the negative conditions / illnesses that can come to fruition when the liver isn’t appropriately cared for.

The image below shows the various progressive stages of liver damage: